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Documentation downloads

Download assembly instructions, technical datasheets, declarations, and certificates on this page. For other languages please switch the language (top right of this page) to your preferred language. If your language is not available on our website, please send us an email with the name of the document and the language you prefer.

ThermaSmart® PRO

DoP ThermaSmart PRO Tube
DoP ThermaSmart PRO Sheet
DoP ThermaSmart PRO Sheet SA
DoC ThermaSmart PRO
TDS ThermaSmart PRO Tube
TDS ThermaSmart PRO Tube SA
TDS ThermaSmart PRO Sheet
TDS ThermaSmart PRO Sheet SA
TDS ThermaSmart PRO Tape
SDS ThermaSmart PRO;ThermaSmart PRO SA
SDS ThermaSmart PRO Sheet
SDS ThermaTape Alu Black
EPD ThermaSmart PRO
Cradle to Cradle Certified® Certificate
Cradle to Cradle Material Health Certificate
RoHS Declaration ThermaSmart PRO

ThermaSmart ® PRO LS

DoP ThermaSmart PRO LS Sheet
TDS ThermaSmart PRO LS Sheet
SDS ThermaSmart PRO LS Tube & Sheet

ThermaSmart ® ENEV

DoP ThermaSmart ENEV Tube
TDS ThermaSmart ENEV Tube
SDS ThermaSmart ENEV Tube
EPD ThermaSmart ENEV

ThermaSmart ® ENEV-Q

DoP ThermaSmart ENEV-Q Tube
TDS ThermaSmart ENEV-Q Tube
SDS ThermaSmart ENEV-Q;ThermaCompact IS;ThermaCompact IS10

ThermaSmart® Marine 2.0 Black

TDS ThermaSmart Marine 2.0 Black Tube
TDS ThermaSmart Marine 2.0 Black Sheet
DoC ThermaSmart Marine 2.0 Black
Manual ThermaSmart Marine
MED Certificate ThermaSmart Marine Black 2.0

ThermaEco FRZ

DoP ThermaEco FRZ HF Tube
TDS ThermaEco FRZ HF Tube
TDS ThermaEco FRZ Sheet
SDS ThermaEco FRZ Tube
EPD ThermaEco FRZ
RoHS Declaration ThermaEco FRZ (tubes)
Cradle to Cradle Certified® Certificate
Cradle to Cradle Certified® Material Health Certificate

ThermaEco ZZ

DoP ThermaEco ZZ Tubes
TDS ThermaEco ZZ Tube
SDS ThermaEco ZZ Tube
Cradle to Cradle Certified® Certificate
Cradle to Cradle Certified® Material Health Certificate

Ultra M

DoP Ultra M Tube
TDS Ultra M Tube
SDS Ultra M Tubes


DoC ThermaCompact IS
DoP ThermaCompact TF
TDS ThermaCompact IS
TDS ThermaCompact IS10
TDS ThermaCompact TF
SDS ThermaCompact TF
SDS ThermaSmart ENEV-Q;ThermaCompact IS;ThermaCompact IS10
RoHS Declaration ThermaCompact IS; IS10


DoP ThermaRod
DoC ThermaRod
TDS ThermaRod
SDS ThermaRod
REACH Declaration ThermaRod


DoP ThermaPUR

Heating Cables

Instruction ThermaLint & TracingSet
Brochure ThermaLint & TracingSet
TDS ThermaLint
Certificate FI ThermaLint
DoC/DoP ThermaLint
TDS Tracingset


Instruction Leaflet FunFlex
SDS FunFlex
TDS FunFlex

Tools and accessories

TDS Tools and accessories
SDS ThermaGlue
SDS ThermaGlue (IT)


TDS ProFoam-System Profile

Flexalen® 600

TDS Flexalen 600 Heating
TDS Flexalen 600 Cooling
TDS Flexalen 600 Water
TDS Flexalen 600 Frost Protection
TDS Flexalen® 600 HP
TDS Short Length Packages
Thermal elongation
Cradle to Cradle Certified® Certificate
Cradle to Cradle Material Health Certificate

Flexalen Multiline

TDS Flexalen Multiline

Flexalen PU

TDS Flexalen PU
TDS Flexalen PU-SL
Instruction Service pipe preparation
Instruction Insulation Kit T-piece PU

Flexalen Protectube

TDS Flexalen ProtecTube
Cradle to Cradle Certified® Certificate
Cradle to Cradle Material Health Certificate

Flexalen PB Pipes

TDS Flexalen PB Pipes
SDS Flexalen PB Pipes
PB Saddle welding
Cradle to Cradle Certified® Certificate
Cradle to Cradle Material Health Certificate

Flexalen system connections

TDS compression fittings
Instruction Electro fusion welding OD20-110
Instruction Electro fusion welding OD125-225
Instruction compression fitting
Instruction Butt fusion welding 110-315
Instruction Socket fusion Fittings 20-63
Instruction Compression Fitting Jentro

Flexalen system accessories

Instruction rubber end caps
Instruction Heat shrink end cap
Instuction Wall Entry Sealing Kit
Instruction annular space sealing
Instruction Labyrinth sealing
Instruction Pipe Clamp OD25-63
Instruction Pipe Clamp OD75-125
Flexalen PB EVOH Scraper
Insulation Coupler/Reducer PO
Insulation Coupler/Reducer PU
Instruction Butt-Fusion Machine ECOS 250


Cradle to Cradle Certified® Certificate
Cradle to Cradle Certified® Material Health Certificate
Instruction Leaflet TQ-Air

General installation instructions


Insulation manual
T-pieces and elbows
Sheet for pipes and circular ducts
Pipe insulation Manual
Technical Insulation Materials Storage Instructions

General installation instructions


Handling & laying instruction coils
Instruction Scraper
Pressure testing

General Insulation documents

ISO 9001-14001 Thermaflex Izolacji (EN & PL)
REACH Declaration NL
Product Catalogue EN
Product Catalogue NL

General Flexalen documents

Flexalen U-Values
ISO 9001:2015 Thermaflex Isolatie
ISO 14001:2015 Thermaflex Isolatie
Product Catalogue EN
Flexalen Hygienic Certificate