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Thermaflex at WarmteNetwerk Congrestival

Warmtenetwerk Congrestival dec 8th 2022

The event for the Dutch heating chain
Stichting Warmtenetwerk organises the Warmte congres ‘Congrestival’ on 8 December 2022. An inspiring and interactive event for and by everyone in the heat chain. You can attend presentations and participate in interesting knowledge sessions.
Thermaflex is an exhibitor on the day.

When: dec 8th 2022
Where: Hart van Holland, Berencamperweg 12, 3861 MC Nijkerk (The Netherlands).


Dutch: Hét evenement voor de Nederlandse warmteketen
Stichting Warmtenetwerk organiseert op 8 december 2022het Warmte congres ‘Congrestival’. Een inspirerend en interactief evenement voor en door iedereen in de warmteketen. U kunt presentaties bijwonen en deelnemen aan interessante kennissessies.
Thermaflex is exposant op deze dag.

Heating & cooling networks
Insulating pipe networks on site is complex: the space is often limited, the environment dirty and the planning tight. It also requires very experienced installers. All these factors represent a substantial risk. With our flexible, pre-insulated piping Flexalen 600 and Flexalen PU, your networks can be designed largely in prefabricated form. This results in a reliable network, very short installation times and limited disruption.