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Thermaflex at SHK Essen

SHK: 6 - 9 September 2022 - Essen

At SHK 2022 (6 to 9 September 2022 at Messe Essen in Germany) Thermaflex will show its solutions for heating networks, heatpumps and HRV systems. Visit Thermaflex in hall 1, stand D10.

Heating & cooling networks
Insulating pipe networks on site is complex: the space is often limited, the environment dirty and the planning tight. It also requires very experienced installers. All these factors represent a substantial risk. With our flexible, pre-insulated piping Flexalen 600 and Flexalen PU, your networks can be designed largely in prefabricated form. This results in a reliable network, very short installation times and limited disruption.

Heat Recovery Ventilation 
Heat recovery ventilation systems are ‘hot’. Besides saving a lot of energy, balanced ventilation ensures healthy air quality and in-home comfort. Common problems with HRV systems are condensation, noise nuisance and air leakages. TQ-Air is our pre-insulated ventilation duct that can be used for all types of HRV systems.

Monobloc heatpumps are installed outside the home and require a pre-insulated supply and return water pipe to deliver the cooling or heating. Flexalen SLP has a high flexibility, standard tooling and predefined installation kit that enables installers to get the job done in no time.

About SHK Essen 
SHK ESSEN is the trade fair for sanitary, heating, air conditioning and digital building management. It has established itself as one of the most important trade fairs in the sanitary, heating and air conditioning sector. As the first industry highlight of the year, SHK ESSEN is the meeting place for sanitary, heating and air conditioning professionals from the trades, installation, planning and consulting from Western Germany, BeNeLux as well as France.
For more info, visit

Opening hours:
06 sept – 08 sept 2022: 09:00-18:00 hrs.
09 sept 2022: 09:00-16:00 hrs